
Born: 1944, 22nd of September, Santău (Tasnádszántó), Satu Mare county, Romania.

Marta Jakobovits is a professional ceramist, graduated from the Academy for Visual Arts in Cluj and received her PhD. in Liberal Arts from the University of Arts and Design in Budapest. She had been inducted into the Hungarian Academy of Arts, in Budapest in 2005. She works as a free-lanced artist. She gives lectures and leads workshops about ceramics and paper-art at universities as invited artist.

The artist also belongs to multiple professional organizations, such as: Romanian Artists Union, the Barabas Miklos Guild, the Hungarian Artists Union, the Christian Artists Europe, Rotterdam, the European Academy of Culture and the Arts.

She is member of the International Academy of Ceramics, Switzerland.

Her works are represented in the permanent collections of art museums in Romania, Hungary and Slovakia and are part of private and public collections worldwide, like England, Poland, Germany, Canada, Iran, Japan.

Beside here one man shows Marta Jakobovits` activity includes participation in multiple national and international shows, exhibitions, symposiums and conferences in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Canada, Finland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Japan and Iran.

She had been selected to represent the contemporary ceramic arts from Romania at the European Ceramic Context 2010 in Denmark and at the national exhibition L`art céramique contemporaine roumaine, 2010 in Paris. Her retrospective exhibition, Part of the Road Travelled, curated by Mălina Ionescu at the National Contemporay Art Museum of Bucharest could be visited: 09.12.2021 - 24.04.2022

Awards and recognitions

  • Life Achievement Award - 2024
  • Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, 2013
  • Ferenczy Noémi Prize, 2011
  • Diploma of Excellence of the Romanian Cultural Ministry, 2010
  • The Fire Arts Prize of the Romanian Artists Union, 2007
  • The Award of Excellence, 2004
  • The Hungarian Culture Award, 2004
  • Körösi Csoma Sándor-Award, 2002
  • Szolnay Sándor-Award, 1994
  • Research Grant from the Hungarian Cultural Ministry, 1998
  • Research Grant from the Soros Foundation for an Open Society - 1992
  • Honorable Mention - MINO '89 - Japan

Main references about her activity

  • Part of the Road Travelled - MNAC Books, Bucharest, 2022
  • Lucia Neagu: CERAMICA, meșteșug, artă și știință, 2020, Bucharest
  • European Ceramic Context 2010, Exhibition catalogue, published by Bornholms Kunstmuseum
  • La céramique roumaine aujurdhui, Published by Centrul Cultural Palatele Brâncovenești, 2010
  • Júlia Németh : Márta Jakobovits, Pallas Akademia Publishing House, Csíkszereda, 2009
  • HUNGARICUM, Hungarian literature, arts, science in Hungary and beyond, 2008/4
  • Magyar Iparművészet / Hungarian Applied Arts, Budapest,2007/3
  • Ozsváth Judit: Fény a fényből / Light of The Light / Kolozsvár, 2006
  • Susan G. Shapiro: The Curtain Rises, Mc Farland & Company, North Carolina and London, 2004
  • World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Artists, Italy,1984
  • Fine Arts in Transylvania in the XX-th Century, Hungary, 1990
  • Time Capsule, - a Concise Encyclopedia of Women Artists, New York, 1995
  • Encyclopedia of Contemporary Romanian Artists, Bucarest,1998